6 Types Of Colourful Bell Peppers Have Their Own Unique Flavours

At kitchen, I sometimes imagined – colourful bell peppers are like some chubby boys wearing t-shirts in different colours. However, here, colour has an additional layer of meaning – flavour. Different colours of bell peppers have their flavours.  I usually see the bell peppers in green, red, yellow, orange and purple in the stall market. However, I have not seen any brown bell pepper before. They not only make the dishes more colourful but also bring out the subtle flavours in the cuisine. 

bell peppers

Green bell pepper is quite special among the bell peppers, because it is not an individual species. All bell peppers are green when they are unripe on the plant. The other colours of bell peppers just depend on the nature of their species. Then, they will go to their own colours when they ripen.

How to choose the bell pepper 

It depends on what dishes you want to cook. Generally. the fresher the bell pepper, the smoother the peel of bell pepper. The outer peel protects a fresh crunchy flesh inside.

How to keep the bell peppers

If the bell peppers are raw and fresh enough, they can be stored for 1 to 2 week in a cool place.

bell pepper


“The Science of Cooking”, written by Stuart Farrimond, published by DK publication

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