How To Choose Right Skincare Products Between Asian Brands And Western Brands

What is the difference between Asian skincare and Western skincare? Are European beauty product not suitable for Asian? Are all Asian beauty brands not good enough for westerners?

To address these questions, we do need to understand the difference of skin structure between Asian people and Western people such as Brits and American. In fact, there is a difference in the skin structure between Asian people and Westerners. Indeed, everyone’s skin structure is unique. We have to know the difference between two groups of people.  

Asian’s skin characteristics

Asian has relatively thin epidermis but thick dermis while Westerner has relatively thick epidermis with thin dermis. Asian looks younger generally than Western people because of the thick dermis. Therefore, Asian people also has a stronger resistance to the skin aging. The thicker the dermis, the less obvious the wrinkles on the skin. 

More powerful European products

The basic difference of skin structure explains why European products have more powerful effect than most of the Asian beauty brands. European people get the similar beauty effect with stronger functional ingredients. Hence, the Asian teenage or the young women with sensitive skin may get irritating when they use European or American skincare product, because relatively Asian skincare products are milder than European or American skincare brand. 

Other factors

On the other hand, the living environment is also a factor that affects the choice of skincare products. All in all, beauty brands and skincare routine are required to adjusted in line with skin condition, weather, temperature and humidity. If Asian people now live in Europe but still use the Asian skincare routine, the efficacy of the beauty products may not be exerted. Hence, when we move to a new environment, we are required to review our skincare combination and routine. 

Generally, due to the innate difference of skin structure among people, it is highly recommended for Asian teenage to apply a small portion of products on hand or neck first when you try to buy brand new beauty brand. If some Asian women wants to try some popular medical beauty brands, it is suggested to try some cost-effective European skincare brands first. For European or Americans whose skins are relatively sensitive, Asian beauty brands may be your skincare solution. 

On the other hand, plant-based lifestyle and vegan beauty are all the rage in the U.K., Australia and the U.S. If your skin belongs to sensitive skin, you may also try vegan beauty products as plant-based ingredients are relatively mild in general.


Choose Right Skincare
Image by Leeloo The First

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