There are many kinds of oranges. Some are with bright orange appearance and some are with green appearance. Whatever the colour is, the appearances look similar with different levels of acidity and sweetness. Orange has rich in vitamin C. If you want to eat juicy and sweet oranges, navel oranges are the most suitable choice.
The navel orange is a good representative of the sweet orange. They are large relatively. Besides, they usually have a small orange hidden inside them. The skin is little bit thicker, but it is easy for people to peel off. There is usually no seed inside. Hence, it is called them as the aristocrats of oranges.
There are many countries where navel oranges are planted. Some popular countries include Spain, Australia, the United States, etc. Navel oranges are also grown in Taiwan and Japan. If we want to choose a juicy and sweet orange, we need to learn little bit more about harvesting period of the oranges.

Harvesting time tips the scale
Harvesting time plays a role in determining the sweetness of oranges.
As oranges ripen on the tree, their sugar content increases, leading to a sweeter taste. When oranges are harvested at the right time, they have reached an optimal balance of sugar and acidity, resulting in a desirable sweetness.
If oranges are harvested too early, before they have fully matured, they may not have developed sufficient sugar content, and as a result, they can taste tart or sour. On the other hand, if oranges are left on the tree for too long or overripe, the sugar content may start to decline, and the fruit can become overly sweet or even develop an unpleasant taste. Timing the harvest correctly is crucial to ensure that the oranges have developed the right level of sweetness.
If the orange is harvested once the orange is grown, the orange aroma is prominent but the taste is slightly more sour. On the contrary, if the oranges are are harvested when the harvest cycle is almost over, these oranges taste a little sweeter than the previous mentioned ones. These batch of oranges have rich honey-sweetness. They are more juicy and sweet.
How to choose a juicy and sweet big orange
Choose oranges with bright and elastic skin. The fruit shape is large and round. It is highly suggested to choose oranges that feel relatively heavy, as this may indicate higher water content, which means that more juicy. Next, see the colour of orange. Choose the oranges with vibrant orange-red colour and pick the one which have a small orange inside it. Then that orange is more likely to be sweet and juicy.
In the market, you may see orange names like Navel and Valencia. Navel oranges are usually ripe oranges harvested in autumn and winter, and supplied from December to June of the next year. They are seedless and sweeter. Besides, since oranges are grown in winter, they need to be “warmed up” so the orange peel is relatively thick. The pulp will retain more water and the taste will be sweeter. Valencia oranges are usually harvested in spring and summer, and hence, they are relatively having thin skins with higher orange aroma and more sour taste.
Everyone’s preference is different. Which orange is the best? It depends on whether you like a stronger orange flavour or a more sweet flavour.